Jawaharlal Nehru Essay In English 150 And 500 Words

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Jawaharlal Nehru Essay:- Hello students, Today we teach you how to writer a Essay On Jawaharlal Nehru, Lot’s of times this essay asked in exam as essay on Jawaharlal Nehru Essay In Hindi, jawaharlal nehru essay 150 words and pandit jawaharlal nehru essay. So, stay in this blog and note down in your copy.

Jawaharlal Nehru Essay 150 Words

Jawaharlal Nehru was born into a prominent family in Allahabad (now Prayagraj) on November 14, 1889. His father, Motilal Nehru, was a renowned barrister, and his mother, Swaruprani Thussu, came from a Kashmiri Brahmin family. Growing up in an affluent and educated household, Nehru received a privileged upbringing. His family’s influence and exposure to intellectual discussions shaped his early years and laid the foundation for his future endeavors.

During the Indian freedom struggle, Jawaharlal Nehru played a crucial role in the fight against British rule. He actively participated in the Non-Cooperation movement led by Mahatma Gandhi, which aimed to oppose the British through nonviolent means. Nehru’s commitment to the cause led to multiple imprisonments, where he utilized his time to write the book “The Discovery of India,” delving into the rich cultural and historical heritage of the country.

In conclusion, Jawaharlal Nehru’s tenure as Prime Minister of India was marked by various challenges, including the Kashmir dispute, the task of unifying a diverse nation, and navigating complex foreign policy dynamics. Despite these challenges, Nehru’s legacy as the “Architect of Modern India” continues to shape the country’s political, economic, and social landscape. His vision and contributions have left a lasting impact on India’s growth and progress, making him one of the most influential leaders in Indian history.

Long Essay On Jawaharlal Nehru In English


India’s journey towards freedom and progress is intricately intertwined with the life and legacy of one man: Jawaharlal Nehru. Born on November 14, 1889, in Allahabad, Nehru became the first Prime Minister of independent India and played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s political, economic, and social landscape. His unwavering belief in democracy, socialism, and secularism defined his political ideology and propelled India towards becoming a modern and civilized nation. Join me on this captivating exploration of Nehru’s life, achievements, political ideology, and lasting impact on India. Prepare to be inspired by the remarkable journey of the man often hailed as the “Architect of Modern India.”

Education and Influence

Nehru’s education played a crucial role in shaping his worldview. After completing his primary and secondary education in India, he traveled to England to study law at the prestigious Trinity College, Cambridge. It was during his time in England that Nehru was exposed to Western ideologies and political movements. He became familiar with the ideas of socialism, nationalism, and democracy, which would greatly influence his thinking and future political career.

Impact of Early Life and Education

Nehru’s early life and education played a significant role in shaping his political beliefs and activism. His exposure to Western ideologies, combined with his deep-rooted Indian heritage, created a unique blend of ideas that fueled his fight for independence. Nehru’s education also provided him with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the freedom movement. His experiences during this period laid the foundation for his future role as a leader and his vision for a modern and progressive India.

Role in the Freedom Movement

Nehru’s role in the freedom movement can be summarized as follows:

  • Active participation in the Non-Cooperation movement under Gandhi’s guidance.
  • Multiple imprisonments for his involvement in the struggle.
  • Wrote the book “The Discovery of India” during one of his jail terms, highlighting India’s cultural and historical heritage.

Nehru’s dedication to the cause of freedom was unwavering, and his experiences during the struggle shaped his political ideology and future contributions as the first Prime Minister of India.

Contributions as Prime Minister

Jawaharlal Nehru’s contributions as the Prime Minister of India were extensive and far-reaching. He set out to transform India into a modern and civilized nation through his various reforms and initiatives. Nehru’s vision encompassed multiple areas, including politics, the economy, science and technology, and industrialization.

In the realm of politics, Nehru focused on national development by establishing a robust political system. He laid the foundation for a democratic governance structure, ensuring the participation of all citizens. Nehru’s commitment to democracy was evident in the formation of the Indian National Congress and his instrumental role in drafting India’s constitution. He believed that a strong political system was essential for the overall progress and stability of the nation.

Nehru implemented economic reforms aimed at reducing poverty and promoting industrialization. He emphasized the need for self-sufficiency and sought to reduce India’s dependence on foreign imports. Nehru’s policies led to the establishment of large-scale industrial and infrastructure projects, contributing significantly to India’s economic growth. His focus on economic development laid the groundwork for India’s emergence as a global economic power.

Challenges and Legacy

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru faced numerous challenges that tested his leadership and the stability of the newly independent nation. One of the most significant challenges was the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. This longstanding conflict over the ownership of the region has resulted in ongoing tensions between the two countries. Despite Nehru’s efforts to find a resolution, the dispute remains unresolved to this day.

Another challenge Nehru faced was the task of unifying a diverse and vast nation. India is a country with multiple languages, religions, and cultures, and it was Nehru’s responsibility to foster a sense of unity among its people. While his secular and inclusive vision laid the foundation for a united India, the process was not without difficulties. Communal tensions and conflicts arose, testing Nehru’s leadership and the nation’s social fabric.

Additionally, Nehru had to navigate the complexities of foreign policy in a rapidly changing global landscape. As a leader of a newly independent nation, he sought to establish India as a prominent voice on the international stage. Nehru’s emphasis on non-alignment and peaceful coexistence led to India playing a crucial role in the Non-Aligned Movement. However, his foreign policy choices were met with both praise and criticism, highlighting the challenges of balancing national interests with global alliances.


In conclusion, Jawaharlal Nehru was a visionary leader who played a vital role in shaping India’s history. As the first Prime Minister of independent India, he led the nation through critical times, striving to build a democratic and inclusive society. Nehru’s commitment to political development, economic reforms, social welfare, and foreign policy initiatives laid the foundation for India’s growth and progress. Despite facing numerous challenges, his legacy as a statesman and nation-builder endures to this day. Nehru’s ideas and ideals continue to inspire generations, reminding us of the importance of unity, equality, and progress. His contributions to India’s journey towards independence and beyond will always be remembered and celebrated.

FAQ Jawaharlal Nehru Essay

Who was Jawaharlal Nehru?

Jawaharlal Nehru was a prominent Indian politician and the first Prime Minister of India after its independence in 1947. He played a crucial role in the country’s struggle for freedom from British rule.

How did Nehru contribute to the freedom movement in India?

Nehru actively participated in the Indian National Congress and became one of its prominent leaders. He organized and led various protests and movements against British colonial rule, advocating for India’s independence.

What were Nehru’s political ideology and beliefs?

Nehru was a socialist and a democrat. He strongly believed in the principles of secularism, social justice, and equality. He envisioned a modern and progressive India that would prioritize the welfare of its citizens.

What were Nehru’s contributions as the Prime Minister of India?

Nehru’s tenure as Prime Minister was marked by significant political, economic, and social reforms. He played a crucial role in shaping India’s political system, implementing economic policies to spur growth, and introducing various social welfare programs.

What were some of the challenges Nehru faced and what is his legacy?

Nehru faced numerous challenges during his time as Prime Minister, including border disputes with neighboring countries and economic struggles. Despite these challenges, his legacy includes laying the foundation of a democratic, secular, and independent India.

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